Exam Stress-buster Tips for College Students

Students getting excited, anxiousness, nervousness, being stressed out are some of the very common things that we can hear these days. Needless to say this excitement or anxiety or nervousness is caused by exams. Exam anxiety can affect a whole range of students ranging from top scorers to average and below average students.

While studying with a little stress can act like a challenge, but studying with whole lot of stress and that too during exams can be a big a minus for students.  There are some to-do things and some not-to-do things during such stressful situations.

Tips for exam stress-buster

Here are some tips and tricks that can help you out while in stress.

Keep a positive attitude: Stress builds up due to all the negative and unwanted thoughts that build up in your mind. In order to not only study hard and write your exams in the best possible way, you need to first get rid of all the negativity in your mind. Starting thinking and feeling positive about things in life. Not only this, you also need to do positive things in life to support your positive thinking. We’re not talking about some philanthropy here, but were talking about doing the right things for yourself which includes hard work and studying. Give a sincere and serious attempt to your studies and it will surely have a good effect.

Study hard: As mentioned above, in order to have a sustained positive attitude, you need to work hard and study as well. Prepare a good time table and follow it religiously. If you are faced with a huge project, divide the work into several small pieces and cover them one by one in a systematic manner. Keep deadlines and meet them within the set time limits.

Concentrate on all the subjects: Many students will often have one or the other subject that troubles them a lot. If you have such a subject that troubles you, then you need to do concentrate more on that subject compared to other subjects. But, you also need to take care of the other subjects as well. But, do not over do that one particular subject, just for sake of it. If you concentrate on just one subject and leave other subjects, then there is a chance that you can score less in those subjects that you are good at. So, have an overall concentration.

Do not over do: Overdoing or over studying is another bad habit that some students have. You don’t have to read all night long to learn that particular subject. You can do that during day time as well. Burning the might night oil seems like a good idea, but during exams, having a good night’s sleep is very important because you have an exam to write the next day. Waking all night long can have an adverse effect on your performance the next day.

Take a break from studies: You also need to take a break between your rigorous study sessions. Take breaks not more than 10 or 15 minutes after studying for every 2-3 hours. Once you’ve taken the break, make sure that you don’t look at your books or study material during the breaks. Just having a look at them during breaks can increase your stress levels. Instead, leave that room, take your break and come back in the said time and start studying.

Eat right: Yes, perhaps, this is one of the most overlooked point of all, yet it is very important. During exams most students will end up either eating whatever they find or eat nothing at all. Both these are not good ideas. You need to eat the right food that can help you to concentrate and study well. Limit your diet to easily digestible and light food which is more or less homemade. You can have oatmeal, brown bread, lots of fresh fruits and vegetables, eggs, milk, fat-free yogurt, light meat, etc. At the same time, avoid heavy foods such as red meat, greasy stuff like French fries, burgers, pizzas, etc. Also avoid high caffeine content sodas and energy drinks. They are bad regularly but are much worse during exams.

Yes, exam time can be stressful for most students. Follow these stress-buster tips and make sure that you are in a position to overcome the stress and not the other way around.

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