Writing a Book Critique
Writing a book critique is one of the tasks that a student has to handle in college. More often students are assigned the activity of writing a book critique during vacation. Many students find it not very interesting to read a book and to review that book.
Tasks like these will encourage students in taking up reading as a serious hobby. More often teachers, academicians and psychologists say that reading is the best way to gain knowledge. And reading from an earlier stage will improve the imaginative and innovative capabilities in children and teenagers. Writing a book review or a critique will improve the students’ perception and will gently pushes them in to forming opinions about literary work.
Tips on writing a Book Critique
A book review should compose of the activities that are mentioned below.
The first step in a book review is to read the book thoroughly. Then comes the part of noting down the details about the book which include the title of the book, name of the author, the genre of the book, the prior work and achievements of the author have to be mentioned.
If it is a fictional book then the plot of the book and a small insight into the characterizations of the protagonists and the antagonists of book have to be mentioned. Briefly mention about the plot, the way the story begins, how the story takes shape, the pace of the story and the ending of the story if required.
In most cases, avoid mentioning about how the story ends. Mentioning the end will lift the veil of suspense that author had maintained throughout the story.
The next step is taking down the details of the important events and turning points in the book. Make note of the best conversations of the characters in the book. And mention them where they are very much necessary.
A personal opinion about the book, a particular character that you liked, the overall work can be mentioned. This will definitely add to the score. A unique stand about the plot, the characterizations and in some cases the ending of the story can be commented on.
One particular aspect of book review writing that teachers expect from students is given a chance what would you change in the book. This is an important question that every book review writer has to answer, even if no such question has been asked. If the teacher explicitly asks the students not to include this part, then avoid it. But, if there is no such limitation, then write about what you would have changed about the book.
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