SPSS Statistics


SPSS stands for Statistical Package for the Social Sciences. It is used by researchers in statistics. Its utility is limited to performing statistical operations and calculations. It has almost all statistical features which makes it one of the widely used and appreciated softwares in statistical operations.

SPSS was released in the year 1968. It was developed by Norman H. Nie, C.Hadlai Hull and Dale Bent. SPSS is among the most widely used Statistics programs In the field of Social Sciences. It is mainly used by market researchers, health researchers, survey companies, Government Agencies, educational researchers, marketing organizations and others.

The features that make SPSS unique are:

  • User-friendly features make it the easiest statistical software to work with.
  • Command Syntax programming which helps to store the commands in a syntax for future use.
  • Tests like t-test, f-test, chi-square test and cross-tabulation can be done in a minute’s time.
  • SPSS has the feature of working with missing data. This feature can help take better decisions about the data. The user can fill the missing data and can arrive at the best possible model to estimate the data.
  • SPSS is incorporated with multivariate and inferential procedures like factor analysis, discriminant analysis, analysis of variance, etc.

For statistics students the knowledge of SPSS is an added advantage. They can pursue a career or they can take part in an ongoing research and also pursue higher studies in statistics.
HelpWithThesis.com provides assistance in SPSS software for statistics students. HelpWithThesis.com has an elite of Statistics experts who have PhDs in statistics and are ever ready to provide assistance to statistics students and potential researchers. With years of experience in teaching statistics and working on SPSS, the tutors at HelpWithThesis are ideal for teaching SPSS.

Our statistics experts can help you in

  1. Letting the student understand the capabilities of SPSS.
  2. Entering the data and entering the precise program syntax.
  3. Storing the syntax for future use.
  4. Interpretion of the results and statistical analysis of the results.

For further details you can visit the website http://www.helpwiththesis.com/

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