Recruitment and Selection Process in an Organization

Recruitment is one of the very important aspects of human resource management in an organization. Recruitment is the process where potential candidates are invited for a vacant position. From a list of potential candidates, the right candidates are selected for the vacant position.

Organizations in the past used to recruit whenever there was a position to be filled. This was a reactive measure that human resources department use to take. But as businesses started developing rapidly in the last two or three decades, human resources were needed to be refilled in quickly. This need has been felt by almost all business organizations and now in the present era, the process of recruitment takes place on a continued basis due to several factors such as the organizational charts, job analysis information, external factors such as labor market and competition.

As recruitment is such an important aspect in human resources, it must be noted that all the recruitment in an organization is part of a strategy. The strategy to place the right human resources in the right job and at the right time. This is the reason why utmost care is taken regarding a candidate’s qualification, experience and talent.  Thus, the recruitment strategy must coincide with and work in accordance with the overall strategy of the organization.

The process of recruitment takes place with the human resources department being notified about a position being vacant and the human resources management advertizes about the vacant position either internally or externally. If the vacant position can be filled in internally, the human resources department makes an IJP (Internal Job Posting) within the company. This IJP can be attended by candidates from within the organization with the relevant experience and qualification.

If the human resources department is of the opinion that the post cannot be filled in with candidate from within, it goes for external recruitment drive. An external recruitment drive will feature advertisement in newspapers for walk-in, information being passed on to several external recruitment agencies which can send in short-listed candidates for the recruitment drive, etc.

From a huge list of candidates, people with the right qualification, relevant experience will be further short-listed for written tests, interviews with the human resource recruiters, department managers, etc. This part of short-listing and interview process is also known as selection process. While recruitment is the easier part where candidates will be called in for interview, selection process is the toughest job because few of the best candidates must be selected for the position with the relevant experience and who are willing to work for the pay package being offered.

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