8 Tips To Handle Exam Stress

Exam pressure, exam preparation

Exams are a crucial part of education and the source of stress for many students. It is important to approach them with a clear mind and an understanding of how to deal with stressful situations more broadly. Here are some tips to help you handle exam stress.

1. Start studying early
Start studying as soon as your teacher announces the exam. Even before that, read over your notes after each class to make sure you understand them. Put the notes in your own words. This will make studying easier.
2. Plan study time
Staying up all the night usually doesn’t work. Planning your study time will make you feel confident for the exam. Make sure you complete the planned topics on time.
3. Be healthy
Staying healthy is one of the important aspects during exams. A small setback in your health will cause a great damage. So have a healthy diet and sleep enough.
4. Practice tests
Try to write some practice tests. This will give you a better understanding of the topics you studied and help you to find out the topics you need to focus.
5. Relax
Don’t just keep on studying; give your mind a little break. Don’t let negative thoughts come into your mind and make you feel more stressed. Try deep breathing, breathing from deep within your abdomen and not just your chest. Let them slowly out. This will get more air into your lungs and will help you relax.
6. Talk to someone
If you find that you’re still stressed, talk to someone you trust, whether it’s a parent, teacher, school counselor or friend. They will help you put things in perspective.

7. Stay away from distractions
For most of the people social media sites are a part of their life. It’s hard to detach from them for a while. But one has to keep them aside during exams to avoid a significant waste of time. Keep the goal in your mind and stay focused.
8. Believe in yourself
After all the preparation, sometimes you still feel stressed in mind that “Can I do it?” At that time, you have to say to yourself “Yes, I can do it” and give it the best you can. Believing yourself is the ultimate stress buster.