7 Things To Learn From Einstein As A Student

Pi day - Albert Einstein Birthday

People become great because they think greater and aim for the greatest. As a student, sometimes it will be very upsetting when things get tough. Motivating yourself from lives of some great people will make you reach your goal easily.


Today is Albert Einstein’s birthday. Here are some things which you must learn from his life

  1. Make your brain work: Einstein’s great breakthroughs came from visual experiments performed in his head rather than the lab.
  1. Don’t worry if you can’t catch up: Einstein was a slow learner as a child  and spoke very slowly
  1. Humbleness: Einstein was offered the presidency of Israel but he declined it politely
  1. Fighting back: Einstein failed his University Entrance Exam and had to reapply a year later.
  1. Good hobbies: He was a great musician. If the whole “genius” thing didn’t work out, Einstein could have become a violinist.
  1. Love for the people: Albert Einstein denounced segregation, calling it a “disease of white people” and worked against racism in America
  1. Staying focused: Hours before his death, Einstein was still attempting to prove his Theory of Everything